Regina city council will address the possible regulation of massage parlours at a special meeting on Monday.

In June, an executive committee decided to delay making a decision about a bylaw that would implement new rules for massage parlours that are allegedly operating as fronts for prostitution.

Council is expected to receive a report from administration that looks at ways to adopt regulations focusing on harm reduction for workers, operators and their clients.

A total of 13 delegates are expected to speak.

Administration is recommending the city allow massage parlours as a discretionary use in industrial and major arterial commercial zones. As well as amend the bylaw, to distinguish between massage parlours and therapeutic massage.

The amended bylaw would distinguish between massage parlours and therapeutic massage. It would define registered massage therapists and replace the term massage parlour to body rub establishment.

Body rub parlours would have to be a city block away from schools, churches, daycares and other parlours. Any existing parlours within the one block radius would have to re-locate or close down.

The meeting gets underway at 5:30 p.m. at city hall.