Some dog owners in the town of Yellow Grass are upset about a new bylaw that is discouraging people from owning certain breeds of dogs.
According to the bylaw, Pit Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Rottweiler or any dogs with a mix of those breeds, are considered dangerous and owners will be required to take many precautionary measures if they wish to keep the dog.
One woman says she received a letter stating her Pit Bull mix was identified as a dangerous dog and she would need to install a steel cage enclosure that meets the town’s specifications.
She is also required to ensure the dog has a proper strength leash which can’t exceed 1.2 meters, purchase liability insurance up $1 million for death, injury and property damage caused by the dog, as well as install signage on the property stating: “Warning Dangerous Dog On Premises.”
Mayor of Yellow Grass, Dave Byrnes, refused an interview saying the town had no comment on the matter.
A group of owners are looking for the bylaw to be tailored and include all dogs which have shown a pattern of aggressive behaviour to follow a “dangerous dog” protocol.
The animal control section of the bylaw page on the town’s website is currently unavailable, saying it “is being revisited at this time.”
The group hopes to discuss the matter further with council in August.