After a long, chilly winter, Canada geese are back in Regina for the warmer months. But, while most gather at Wascana park, one couple is nesting on the southwest side of the old Costco building.

The female, nicknamed ‘Lucy,’ sits on the nest, while the male, or ‘Kirkland,’ protects the nest from a few metres away. The pair has returned to the same spot for the past several years.

Visitors often leave bowls of food and water, or just stop by to take in the site. Rudy Martine took a drive by the nest, just to make sure Kirkland and Lucy were back from their trip south. He plans to come back for a visit with his sister.

“It’s kind of neat that they have come back another time,” Martine said. “My sister from out of town is in for cancer treatment. And she likes to go for walks or to look at the wildlife in Regina, which there's quite a bit.”

With a booming goose population, Nature Saskatchewan said it's common for the birds to venture outside Wascana Park.

“Why something like a parking lot? It's safe. Even though there's as much traffic and human disturbance, there isn't anything in terms of dogs or other predators coming along to bother them,” said Jordan Ignatiuk, executive director with Nature Saskatchewan.

Since Costco migrated further east, fewer people are driving through the parking lot. But, as with any expectant parents, it's never a bad idea to give them some space.

“They're going to want to protect the nest, and they're fairly strong birds. The wings have got some power behind them, and that's sort of what they will come at a person with,” Ignatiuk said. “Leave them to do their business on their own and they'll be fine.”

Ignatiuk said geese often return to the same spot to nest each year, but if the old Coscto building is torn down in the future, the birds will likely find a new spot.