A little bit of this and a little bit of that will transform your leftovers into a terrifically delicious meal.

Serves 4

Please note: this is just a suggested guideline. Use whatever you have on hand. A general rule of thumb for a great bowl is to have a combination of cooked and raw vegetables, plus something crunchy as a garnish – such as toasted lentils, or sprouts or freeze dried onions.

¾ cup wild rice, soaked for several hours and then cooked in 2-2 ½ cups water. (brown rice and quinoa are also delicious)

Please a spoonful of cooked rice in the bottom of a soup bowl

Top with:

Leftover chicken or turkey pieces

Crispy fried tofu

Shredded carrot

Sliced cucumber

Sliced radish

Grated raw beet

Roasted or cooked vegetables

A simple vinaigrette or a drizzle of balsamic glaze

A dollop of hummus