
Renovations mark new chapter for Eagle Heart Family Services


Eagle Heart Centre getting upgrades Eagle Heart Family Services will be moving into a newly renovated building in Regina. Dominique Head explains.

In its never ending mission to help families, Eagle Heart Family Services is expanding, and the centre hopes the upgrades can help them strengthen local families.

The non-profit group has begun renovating a building in north central Regina. It will provide more space to reach more people, while preserving parent and child relationships,

Melody Arbour, Family Enrichment Program Coordinator at Eagle Heart, said family bonding is the main goal.

“Getting to lay on the couch, lay on the floor, play on the floor, do all of those things that families do and create that bond and that attachment and that love and continue to have that grow.”

Eagle Hearts goal has always been to provide a supportive and culturally sensitive learning environment for the children in care.

Linda Anderson, President of the Eagle Hearts board said they hope to hold more events to bring the families, who attend, together,

“From pancake breakfast to barbeques, to just a variety of things, taking advantage of the summer months and whatever opportunities present themselves,” said Anderson.

There are many reasons a family may need to use these services and one of them is a need for a stable and more family friendly environment for the children.

Anderson hopes the children in care feel more connected to family, and that fewer children need to use these services in the future.

“If you have better home environments that are cleaner, newer, a little nicer, people take a little more pride in that and children grow up to see that so they don’t think that poverty is a normal thing, which I think we have to break the cycle of that,” said Anderson.

They have not yet released the address to the new centre, but they are in the process of finalizing those details.