Saskatchewan's premier is in Iowa helping to promote trade between Canada and the U.S.

Wall was chosen to represent Canada by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after Wall offered Saskatchewan’s assistance in engaging the United States. Wall made the trip with Andrew Leslie, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Shortly after 7:30 a.m. local time on March 15, the House of Representatives in Iowa made a resolution to make March 15 Canada Day in Iowa.

Moments after that resolution was made, Wall took to the podium to make an address on behalf of both Canada - and Saskatchewan.

Some of the points in his address included the fact that Saskatchewan exporters shipped $355 million US worth of goods to the state last year - mainly potash, oats and canola oil. Iowa also shipped $363 million US worth of products to Saskatchewan.

Wall also said our province and the state of Iowa must be vigilant to ensure that there is continued development of the relationship, especially at a time where there is debate about trade within North America.

After his address this morning Wall’s itinerary includes meetings with Iowa governor Terry Branstad and Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds.