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Sask. archivists looking to confirm if marriage performed in the skies over Regina was aviation first


Regina has been home to many Canadian aviation firsts including the first licensed pilot, aircraft and airfield. Now, the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan is seeking information about another possible aviation first – a 1929 marriage in an aircraft.

Archivists going through photos at the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan have found one of a wedding party standing next to an aircraft at the Regina airport in 1929.

Written across the bottom is a caption that reads, “First wedding performed in the air in Canada.”

Leanne Tremblay, an outreach coordinator for the archives, said the team was able to gather some information on the photo.

“We know who was married, we know who the pilot was, the reverend and even the bridesmaid but we did ask the public when we posted it on our social media platforms if they knew even more information,” she told CTV News.

A number of amateur historians submitted newspaper clippings that documented the 25 minute flight over Regina.

The bride and groom standing in the photo were Howard Robinson of Regina and Muriel James of Chaplin, Sask.

“They kind of set off and flew above the legislative buildings in Wascana Park and that the actual wedding and the official kind of “I Do’s” took place above the RCMP Depot,” Tremblay explained.

Regina is already known for many firsts in Canadian aviation including the first licensed airfield, pilot and aircraft. Now the first airplane wedding be added to the list.

“Written on the photo here it says the first in Canada but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wanted to contest that,” Tremblay added.

“It would be hard to confirm.”

The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan would like to know for sure and is seeking more information about the couple and whether this in fact was the first marriage in the sky over Canada. Top Stories

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