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Sask. has highest percentage who want a federal election this year, poll shows


More residents in Saskatchewan say it’s time for a federal election to be called than in any other province, a new poll from the Angus Reid Institute shows.

According to the poll, 70 per cent of those surveyed in the province would like to see a federal election as soon as possible.

Many in Saskatchewan feel a federal vote should be called before the new year, the poll said.

Of the 355 respondents in Saskatchewan, only 22 per cent said they disagreed or strongly disagreed there should be a federal election called in 2024. Eight per cent said they were not sure or couldn’t say.

Alberta and New Brunswick were the provinces showing the next highest desire for a federal election at 69 and 58 per cent. Quebec had the lowest support for federal vote this year, at 41 per cent, according to the poll.

Less surprising was the stat showing the majority of those calling for an election now are Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) supporters.

In the poll, 91 per cent of CPC voters reported they are ready for a federal election now. According to Angus Reid, “everyone else, not so much.”

The Angus Reid institute said the poll was conducted through an online survey from Sept. 12 to 18 among a randomized sample of 3,985 Canadian adults who are members of the Angus Reid Forum.

A probability sample of that size carries a margin of error of +/- 2 per centage points 19 times out of 20, Angus Reid said.

Saskatchewan will vote provincially on Oct. 28 with advance polls already open. 

Civic elections will also take place in the province in November. Top Stories

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