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Sask Party, NDP encouraging Indigenous residents to vote


The debate between Sask Party Leader Scott Moe and NDP Leader Carla Beck touched on many key issues of this year’s election. However, one issue not in the spotlight was Indigenous issues and the province’s relationship with First Nations.

The NDP believe the government has a duty to consult First Nations on matter affecting Indigenous people.

"You've heard me talk about the duty to consult. We're going to enshrine that. We're also going to be honouring the treaty and inherent rights in this province," NDP candidate for Saskatoon Centre Betti Nippi-Albright told CTV News.

The NDP point to the sale or lease of Crown land where adequate consultation has not taken place in the past.

"So, what we're saying is leave those 10 per cent of Crown land left so that the Indigenous people can exercise their inherent and treaty rights,” Nippi-Albright added.

The Saskatchewan Party points to partnerships with First Nations on economic projects like the urgent care centre in Saskatoon.

"It's imperative that a government is focused on the opportunities that are coming to our province and to our communities and that everyone has an opportunity to benefit with that," Sask Party Leader Scott Moe said Monday.

Of concern to a certain group, that rallied outside the legislative building, was interpersonal violence – which disproportionately impacts Indigenous women.

"We have in Saskatchewan the highest rate of domestic violence. We have children and women living daily in fear of our lives," Brenda Ottenbreit of Safe Child Saskatchewan explained.

Cathy Balon, who also attended the rally, says her daughter was murdered.

"This has got to change. We've got to speak louder,” she said. “Women have to stick together. We need help."

There has traditionally been lower voter turnout among Indigenous people.

The political parties are encouraging Indigenous people to vote so their concerns can be better heard and addressed. Top Stories

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