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Meet the twin brothers playing for the Regina Pats


Twin brothers Corbin and Jaxsin Vaughan are in their second season with the Regina Pats and have been named to the NHL’s ‘Preliminary Players to Watch List’ ahead of the 2024 draft.

Many who follow the Regina Pats closely have marveled at the growth the two have shown on the ice after 16-year-old seasons getting their feet wet as full time Western Hockey League (WHL) players.

In 22 and 29 games this season both brothers have more than doubled their offensive production from last year, when they played 50 and 51 games respectively.

“There was a lot of hard work this summer and just having that experience from last year carried over. I think it’s definitely just helped with our confidence and stuff so I think it’s kind of just showing that we’re working hard,”Jaxsin said.

“We worked hard in the summer,” echoed his brother, Corbin. “We push each other, there’s a competitive edge definitely when we’re training and just being comfortable out there in our second year, a little more confidence.”

Pats’ head coach, Brad Herauf, has also noticed big changes from last season to this year for both brothers.

“Personality wise it’s pretty big. Confidence wise it’s pretty big. Those guys, they put a lot of work in here seven days a week. Unfortunately Corbin is hurt right now but the work Jaxsin’s been putting in on his days off away from the rink. The kid wants to be a hockey player,” Herauf said.

Corbin has missed the last couple of weeks dealing with a lower body injury.

Back in October the National Hockey League’s (NHL) Central Scouting report put out a list of players who are eligible for the 2024 draft to keep your eye on. Both Jaxsin and Corbin cracked the list alongside their teammate and captain Tanner Howe.

“It’s pretty cool. I mean it’s nothing to get too excited over we’re just going to put our heads down and keep working. This is obviously a big year. It’s pretty cool that we both made it but it’s not the biggest deal [to us],” Corbin said.

The Vaughan twins were listed as ‘W’ level prospects. The ‘W’ rating is new this year and indicates players that are projected to be sixth or seventh-round candidates.

Defenseman Corbin has recorded three goals and three assists, for six points in 22 games so far this year. Forward Jaxsin has six goals and six assists for 12 points in 29 games this season.

The two hail from Merritt, B.C., about three hours northeast of Vancouver and were selected just nine picks apart in the 2021 WHL Prospects Draft. Jaxsin went 21st overall and Corbin 30th. Despite the two having a competitive nature with each other, they did not pay too much attention to who was drafted first between the two.

“Maybe a little at first [we joked with each other] but not so much anymore. I think either one of us could have went there [21st] or I think it’s just kind of the way it got set up. They could’ve taken either one of us,” Jaxsin said.

Jaxsin also said when they were being interviewed by WHL scouts they told every single one of them they wanted to go somewhere together.

“We just kind of said we won’t sign with you or play junior if we’re not on the same team. So the Pats did a good job of getting us both,” he shared.

The two are identical twins but do play different positions. Jaxsin is a forward while Corbin plays defence. They both have versions of how that reality came to be.

“We were in I think Novice and we got called up to our Tier 3 team in Merritt because they needed a couple of A-Ps. They needed a right winger and I was right handed so I jumped up from defense. We used to be defense partners. So I went up to the wing and scored a few more goals so I stayed,” Jaxsin said with a laugh.

“He couldn’t skate backwards, so he had to move up to forward,” Corbin said jokingly. “But I couldn’t really raise the puck so I just stayed on the backend and poked the puck away from guys.”

With both brothers developing a reputation as some of the hardest hitters in the WHL, when asked who was tougher between the two only Corbin would answer.

“We’re both pretty tough,” he said, pausing. “I’d beat him up though,” Corbin said with a laugh.

Even though they have different playing styles and play different positions they are often still mixed up by their teammates and even coaches.

“Last year I wasn’t very good with them. I’d be talking to one of them when I was the defensive coach. I had a full-on conversation with one of them and he basically looked me right in the eye, letting me talk and he goes ‘You know I’m Jaxsin right?’ And I’m like no,” laughed Herauf.

“This year I honestly I felt personally it was a disrespect that I did not know the difference. The haircut helps this year but I pay more attention to make sure I get their names right,” Herauf added.

“They [our teammates] still mix us up. Even though we have different haircuts and stuff. For awhile we were both just ‘Vaughaner’ so they couldn’t get it wrong. A few of them still mess it up every once in a while but nothing too bad anymore,” Jaxsin said.

It’s not surprising the two are often mistaken for one another as they have deemed themselves not just brothers but best friends and are often inseparable.

“It’s like having a best friend with you all the time. I know for some of our buddies it was pretty hard to kind of go into a major junior dressing room by yourself. So we always had someone to talk to, someone to live with,” Jaxsin said.

“If we’re ever separated in our rooms, we’re usually playing video games together. So it’s like we’re together either way,” said Corbin, who then joked they thought about getting bunk beds again like they had when they were kids.

The two grew up Vancouver Canucks fans and said they have often modeled themselves after the famous Sedin twins and been compared to them on a number of occasions. However, they are embracing their time with the Pats as they say they know they most likely will not always get to play on the same hockey team.

“It’s coming eventually. We know that and our bond will never change. Even if we’re away from each other for however long. I think we know that day is coming and it’s just going to have to happen,” Jaxsin said.

-- With files from Drew Postey. Top Stories

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