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SGI rebate cheques causing more criticism

(File photo) (File photo)

As gas prices continue to soar in Saskatchewan, residents are having a harder time making ends meet. A $100 rebate by Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) was recently announced to give some relief, but more can be done according to the Saskatchewan NDP.

Aleana Young, opposition critic for SGI called on the Saskatchewan Party government on Thursday to stop overcharging Saskatchewan drivers by providing an immediate cut on rates to SGI plate holders.

“Families are looking for any way they can reduce costs during these challenging times. The cost of food is rising, gas prices are at record highs, and family budgets are being stretched thinner and thinner,” Young said.

Young said if rate cuts are given to drivers, there would be no need for SGI to issue rebate cheques in the first place.

“It’s clear Saskatchewan drivers are being overcharged and the solution isn’t just to return their money every few months, the solution is to reduce their rates,” Young explained.

As of Dec. 31, 2021, the Rate Stabilization Reserve had a significant excess of funds, which Young said needs to be returned to drivers in Saskatchewan.

“The fact that the Rate Stabilization Reserve continues to have $300 million more than needed, even after the rebate cheques, proves the Sask. Party is overcharging drivers. Families need a break. We need to be finding solutions to make life more affordable for Saskatchewan families.” Top Stories

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