Carmichael Outreach is a step closer to moving into its new home.

They announced a $100,000 donation from Mosaic on Friday morning. The money will help to renovate the kitchen in their new location on 12th Avenue.

Carmichael celebrated the announcement with a hot dog barbecue, but they will be able to cook a lot more after the new kitchen is complete. The new kitchen will include separate areas for food preparation, cooking and storage.

This donation couldn't have come sooner. Carmichael Outreach has been working out of temporary locations since the fall of 2017 and the new centre will give them more space to operate.

"Anyone that's been in our old building knows just how small and cramped it was. Anytime you try to turn around you'd be bumping into everyone else and it just wasn't realistic. People weren't really able to sit down and enjoy themselves and feel like they belong,” said Rochelle Berenyi from Carmichael Outreach.

Mayor Michael Fougere also welcomes an updated centre for the organization.

"Well this is really good news. Carmichael is struggling right now. They're in temporary locations and this is going to be a wonderful facility for them. It’s going to be a great capacity for the lunches, for all their programs,” said Fougere.

Carmichael Outreach is still fundraising to complete the new building, but their goal is to be all moved in by the end of 2018.