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Active COVID-19 cases in Sask. maintain steady decline, 170 new cases


Saskatchewan’s active COVID-19 cases continue to slowly decline, reaching 2,822 on Monday.

Active cases in the province dropped below 3,000 for the first time since Sept. 4 on Sunday.

The province added 170 new cases on Monday, bringing the seven-day average of new cases to 259 – 21.5 per 100,00 residents. There were 311 more recoveries reported.

Nine Saskatchewan residents have been transferred to Ontario hospitals to receive care. Not including those patients, 293 residents are being treated in hospital with71 in ICU.

Of the 293 patients, 208 were not fully vaccinated.

There were no new deaths to report Monday.

The new cases are located in the Far North West (one), Far North East (15), North West (13), North Central (11), North East (eight), Saskatoon (29), Central West (three), Central East (18), Regina (35), South West (four), South Central (two), and South East (eight) zones and 23 new cases have pending residence information.

Saskatchewan healthcare workers administered 1,681 more COVID-19 tests and 1,929 more doses of vaccines.

There are 782, 694 fully vaccinated residents in the province. Top Stories

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