Once again, the cities of Saskatoon and Regina will designate a number of locations for Christmas tree recycling this year. Live trees can be dropped off at a designated location, where they will be chipped and turned into compost or mulch.

In Saskatoon, the following drop-off locations will be open from December 26 until January 31:

•Credit Union Centre parking lot

•Doukhobor Society of Saskatoon parking lot (902 17th Street West)

•Edmonton Avenue and Avenue P Recycle Depot

•George Ward Pool parking lot (1915 5th Street East)

•Primrose Recycle Depot (next to the Lawson Civic Centre)

•University Heights Recycle Depot (beside Fire Hall #9 – access off Lowe Road)

•Meadowgreen Recycle Depot (corner of 22nd Street West and Witney Avenue)

•Wildwood Golf Course parking lot (8th Street East)

Regina's Christmas tree recycling program will run from January 7 until January 29 at the following five locations:

•Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre (3130 East Woodhams Drive)

•Optimist Arena (222 Sunset Drive)

•Joanne Goulet Golf Club (8045 Kestal Drive)

•City of Regina Container Shop (500 Arcola Avenue)

•The City of Regina Landfill (January 7 to February 1 during normal landfill hours)

Please remove all ornaments, decorations, and plastic bags before recycling. For more information, visit the City of Regina website or the City of Saskatoon website.