Students and staff at Argyle School had a surprise when they got to class on Thursday, as water was leaking from the roof and walls of two classrooms.

According to Regina Public Schools, it was the result of an unfortunate buildup of rocks in the drain pipe. A cleanup crew was immediately called, everything was dried and the classrooms are back in service.

"We had a restoration company come in, clean and dry everything. And the students from those two displaced classrooms have returned to their classes," supervisor of communications for Regina Public Schools Terry Lazarou said.

Lazarou says there is no concern for mold or air quality, since it was cleaned so quickly, but parents were still bothered to see it.

Marlene Jackson has two kids enrolled in the school and has been a part of the community for over 10 years.

"Water pouring in to me as a parent does not seem acceptable. It's not acceptable for our students, it's not acceptable for our teachers,” Jackson said.

Jackson is also the chair of the community council and says the staff does the best with what they have.

"I was very sad. I'm sad for our staff to have to come to work to a place that feels like it's crumbling around them,” Jackson said.

"Water is pouring inside the school -- through the windows, through the walls. Water fountains are spilling over with backed up water--- what is the plan to deal with infrastructure issues in our schools? And how long will students have to sit in these conditions?" Education Critic Carla Beck said during Question Period on Thursday.

The minister of education says he was made aware of the water issues Thursday morning and has been working with the school board closely.

"Crews at the school now that will be kind of evaluating not just the two classrooms, but looking at the whole school in general to make sure that there's no adverse consequences from the incident that happened overnight," Minister of Education Gord Wyant said.

Wyant says replacement of the school is on the Saskatchewan Party's capital list, but when it will happen is unknown.

Jackson just wants some help now.

"Throw us a few Band-Aids, come and paint our siding, come and patch the roof. Bring us some fans,” she said.

Jackson says this leak just speaks to the schools need of repairs, and wants some sort of funding for the school so it can fix some issues and install air conditioning for the entire building not just the staff room. She says one teacher at the school told her his classroom in the basement of the school reached 35 C on Wednesday.

Lazarou says if there are any repairs or replacements that need to be done in the two classrooms, they will be done over the weekend, in order to not disrupt any class times.