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Active COVID-19 cases surpass 10K in Sask., 1,412 new cases reported


Active COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan surpassed 10,000 on Friday as the province reported 1,412 new cases.

The seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases was 1,093 or 90.7 new cases per 100,000 people.

No new deaths were reported.

The province reported 347 new recoveries on Friday.

Another 170 cases of the Omicron variant have been added to the province’s total.

As of Friday, Saskatchewan has identified 3,929 Omicron cases through screening, including 1,684 confirmed and 2,445 probable cases.

There are 131 people being treated in hospital, an increase of eight from Thursday, including 123 people in inpaitent care. Fifty-nine of those receiving inpatient care are a result of COVID-19, 46 are incidental asymptomatic infections and 18 have not yet been determined. There are eight patients with COVID-19 in the ICU - five for COVID-19 and three incidental asymptomatic infections.

There were 2,676 more doses of vaccines administered – with 874,329 fully vaccinated individuals reported in the province on Friday. Top Stories

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