Regina’s Brandt Centre will be getting a facelift, just in time for the Memorial Cup. City council approved more than $1 million in upgrades to the facility at Monday night’s council meeting.
The upgrades include new arena boards and glass, upgrades to lighting, dressing rooms, and fan seating. The proposal also included a request for a new sound system, but that was not approved by council.
The city also approved $250,000 to the Memorial Cup committee to run the tournament and fan activities.
Amendments to the city's taxi bylaw was also on the agenda at the meeting, proposed changes to the bylaw included allowing drivers to refuse rides based on safety concerns, and a cleanup fee for anyone who releases bodily fluid into a cab, but the change that prompted the most debate was proposed updates to the structure of the lottery system for seasonal licenses.
The original recommendation was to change the divvying of seasonal plates to major cab companies in town 60 per cent of the seasonal licenses and 40 per cent to a lottery; however, a motion to reverse those numbers was approved.
The entire bylaw passed its second reading, meaning if given the final go ahead next month, brokers will only get 40 per cent of seasonal licenses, and 60 per cent will be up for lottery.