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Government of Sask. releases guidelines for COVID-safe holiday gatherings


The province released guidelines to help families celebrate the holiday season in a COVID-safe way.

As the weather gets colder and more gatherings move indoors, the Government of Saskatchewan recommends checking the vaccination status of those you’ll be seeing over the holidays.

Families may also consider using rapid tests before gatherings, even if vaccinated. Free rapid testing kits are available at a variety of locations across the province.

Hosts of indoor gatherings should consider keeping events small and maintain a list of attendees, in case a COVID-19 case needs to be traced.

“You should continue to wear a mask and physically distance among people from multiple households who are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown,” the province said in a news release earlier this week.

Residents should continue to refrain from attending events if they’re feeling unwell and seek COVID-19 testing immediately, regardless of vaccination status.

When planning gatherings the government said outdoor events are safer than indoor events, and increased ventilation is recommended for any indoor gatherings.


Children should wear masks when taking photos with Santa and refrain from touching his beard. Santa’s mask should fit over his beard, the government advised.

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