The Metis Nation flag has a permanent home in front of Regina City Hall.

It's believed it's the first time a Metis flag will permanently fly in front of a municipal government building in Canada.

Mayor Pat Fiacco says the Metis played a big part in the country's history and should be recognized.

Russell Fayant of the Suntep native studies program says it's a sign of reconciliation to fly the flag in the same city where Metis leader Louis Riel was tried and executed.

The flag-raising ceremony included a fiddler, a prayer and a traditional Red River jig.

Riel, who led two rebellions against the federal government of the day, was convicted of treason and hanged on Nov. 16, 1885.

He is considered by many to be a founder of Manitoba and a political and spiritual leader who fought for Metis people on the Prairies.