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City of Regina hosts free seedling giveaway for 5th year in a row


The City of Regina hosted a free seedling giveaway on Wednesday morning to celebrate a special milestone.

For the fifth year in a row, Regina is being recognized as one of the tree cities of the world.

Dozens of people lined up in Victoria Park to get their hands on seedlings for cherry, currant, and Saskatoon berry trees, and 1,000 seedlings were given away in all.

The city hopes to continue the strong trend of making Regina a greener place to live.

“Being recognized as a tree city of the world, we were one of the first 68 cities to be recognized. This is now are fifth year in a row being recognized by the United Nations and the Arbor Foundation,” Ashley Thomson with the City of Regina’s department of Forestry, Pests, and Horticulture, said.

The City of Regina gave away 1,000 seedlings on Wednesday. (Mick Favel / CTV News)

“We’re really proud of what we do here. We have about 500,000 in our city between public and private, so that is really something we are proud of.”

If you are interested in planting a new tree on your property, the City of Regina says to take a look at their website beforehand to see what tree would work best for the soil you have. Top Stories

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