REGINA -- Regina Mayoral Candidate Tony Fiacco is urging residents to vote for fiscal responsibility.

During a media conference on Friday, Fiacco criticized three of his fellow candidates for recent campaign promises of large infrastructure projects if elected.

Fiacco believes due to the uncertainty around the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, now isn’t the time to be committing to projects like aquatic centres announced by Sandra Masters and Jerry Flegel or moving the rail lines out of the city, which Michael Fougere has promised.

"We don’t know the full scope of the impact of COVID-19 on the City of Regina’s finances," said Fiacco.

If elected, Fiacco plans to focus on renewing the infrastructure already in place in the city.

"At the current time, it’s more important that we take care of economic development downtown, infill housing in the two neighbourhoods of heritage and north central, and let’s take care of crime and policing," Fiacco said.

Regina votes in its municipal election on Monday.