A new study published by the Mayo Clinic finds pet owners are more likely to have higher cardio vascular health than non-pet owners. Those with dogs are more likely to report physical activity and diet at ideal level.

The study found owning a dog often means taking it on walks, leading to better heart health, but a veterinarian in Regina says it's more than just that.

"To me that would absolutely have beneficial effects on your cardio vascular health and your mental health, so i think there is a multimodal approach absolutely,” Veterinary Mobility Center Veterinarian Dr. Tara Hudye said.

Dr. Hudye says dogs are more than just a pet, and provide a listening ear and positive feedback to someone who may not have other humans to talk to.

It's a comfort that St. John Ambulance knows is important, which is why therapy dogs are trained to visit parks, camps, hospitals, schools, retirement homes.

"So, a lot of the time they're not going walking with the dogs, the dogs are just present for the visit. And they're petting them and talking to them and interacting with them. And that in its self is the decompressing and the release of the stress,” St. John Ambulance dog therapy program coordinator Valerie Galenzoski said.

The Regina Lutheran Home has one resident dog named Pepsi, as well as a cat named Timmy.

"They provide not only a sense of joy and spontaneity to the life, but also a sense of companionship, which you know helps combat that sense of loneliness,” Regina Lutheran Home recreation leader Alicia Seitz.

One of the residents, Ethel Turner, says she’s built a strong bond with Pepsi and tries to take her out for three walks a day, but says Pepsi provides more than just physical activity.

"Quite often my vitals are pretty high, and then they'll bring Pepsi in, and within ten minutes my vitals have gone back down to about normal. Because she's there and i know nothing bad is going to happen,” Regina Lutheran Home resident Ethel Turner said.

Dr. Hudye does point out it's important to match humans with the right dog, as the wrong temperament can have negative effects. But adds when the right dog or pet of any kind is matched with the right person, there's no doubt it helps the owners wellbeing.