One year ago Chantal Bissonnette Castonguay was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, at 35 weeks pregnant.

Now, she sits on the organizing committee for BRA Day, and is committed to providing options for breast reconstruction to women who need them.

“We want to provide as much reliable information about the breast reconstruction options out there for people who might have that in their future,” Bissonnette Castonguay said.

BRA Day, or Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, will be celebrated with an event at the Double Tree by Hilton where options for breast reconstruction will be presented.

A trade show featuring local organization will be included in the event, as well as a panel of survivors and medical professionals.

“The neatest part of this event is a show and tell lounge, where we will have about 20 survivors who show their surgery results in a private environment,” she said.

Though the event is geared toward people currently diagnosed with breast cancer, the event will be useful to survivors, or those with a high probability of developing breast cancer in the future.

Bissonnette Castonguay said she was lucky when dealing with her illness, as she had support from her colleagues, family, friends and the support group that puts on the BRA Day event.

“This is not a death diagnosis,” she said. “Women live with this diagnosis every day. We survive, and thrive and help each other out.”