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Canadian Army Reserves hold open house in Regina, with hopes of recruitment


The Canadian Army Reserves are holding open house job fairs at its armouries across the country, including in Regina.

Reserve soldiers from the 38th Canadian Brigade Group were on site to showcase their various jobs, from artillery – to signals – to field ambulance.

Weapons of all sizes, from .50 calibre machine guns to a 105 millimetre howitzer, were on display along with crews to demonstrate the equipment.

The open house is set to run from April 3 to 5th from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. and April 6 to 7th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

While recruiting new reservists is top of mind of mind for the brigade – anyone is welcome to come down to the Regina Armoury and check out the displays according to recruiting officer Capt. Todd Jaworski.

“It’s an opportunity to come and see. If you’ve served in the past, and you want to see what we’re doing now, to what we did when you were there, absolutely. Come check it out,” he told CTV News.

“If you’re a young person, this could be something, you might see something, it might spark your interest, and when you’re old enough to apply, come down and apply.”

As for anyone wanting to look back into the history of the Canadian Forces – the Saskatchewan Military Museum at the Regina Armouries will be open all week during the open house.

--With files from Gareth Dillistone Top Stories

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