With a new year comes news legislation, and there are plenty of changes on the horizon in 2019.

Carbon tax

The federal carbon tax has been fiercely contested by the province of Saskatchewan, along with allies looking to defeat the federally imposed carbon tax.

While there is an intervention hearing scheduled for February involving numerous parties with a stake in the carbon tax decision, depending on how legal matters play out, it’s set to come in effect in 2019. In August, the provincial government unveiled its plan to lower carbon emissions, however refused to submit it to the federal government for approval.

Mandatory training

In the wake of the tragic bus crash involving the Humboldt Broncos hockey team, truck driver training, and concerns surrounding it were brought to question.

Having little regulation before this, the province of Saskatchewan is implementing a more rigorous training system for new drivers.

It includes a mandatory 121.5 hours of training before being allowed to take the Class 1 trucking license test. Alberta is also ushering its own stiffer regulations, aiming to improve highway safety.

Edible cannabis

When cannabis became legal in October, there was one noticeable exception. Edibles.

Come October of 2019, however, edibles will be available for purchase from licensed retailers.

Health Canada is launching a 60-day public consultation on its draft regulations regarding the sale of these products. Some of those proposed regulations include restricting ingredients making it more appealing to youth, an increased risk of food-borne illnesses, as well as the risk of over-consumption. It also recommends limiting the amount the amount of THC used in a single product.