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'Living out my dream': Local rugby player making an impact on international stage


A local rugby player has been making an impact on the international stage, fresh off a historic win at the Pacific Four Series.

Gabrielle Senft, 27, is a member of Team Canada’s Senior Women’s Rugby 15s. In May, she was part of the 22-19 victory over the Black Ferns, the reigning Pacific Four Series, and Rugby World Cup Champions from New Zealand.

The win moved Canada into second for the world rankings, the highest they have been ranked since 2016.

“Since I’ve been on the team, it was our first time winning a big championship. It just meant a lot to us to just finally get that success especially when [some of us] are training in a spot for like two months, not getting paid, but we’re fighting for things constantly,” Senft shared.

She explained that Canada does not have a league for its athletes currently, which means most have to train overseas with club teams.

“We aren’t technically full-time athletes with Canada so we’re still building, still working our way up and everyone on the team sacrifices everything. Ninety percent of our team is overseas away from their families, away from their partner. We don’t have full-time jobs. So we’re basically sacrificing everything for the sport,” she said.

Senft first began playing rugby at Dr. Martin Leboldus High School. She went on to play with Team Saskatchewan in the summer and was then recruited to attend the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame to finish out her high school career.

“Right when my assistant coach and myself met her, she was a Grade 9 kid playing under 18 and she was making an impact immediately. So it was pretty obvious she would go as far as she wanted to [with the sport],” said Darren Beaulac, who coached Senft with Team Saskatchewan and helped recruit her to play at Notre Dame.

From there, Senft went on to play at the University of Victoria. By this point, she was already recruited for Team Canada’s U20 team. She also made the Maple leaf’s Tour.

Gabrielle Senft and her team won the Pacific Four Series. (Photo courtesy: Gabrielle Senft) Halfway through her University degree, she moved to Australia and played for two years before moving on to play in England and then returned to Canada. She has since moved back to England for two more seasons and most recently played in France.

This season, Senft’s team Les Lionnes du Stade Bordelais even won the league championship.

“We’ve had gals play from Canada but to take it farther and play for a rugby league in Australia then Team Canada and France and England. I mean it’s my first time coaching someone who ended up being a professional women’s player which has been really cool to follow,” Beaulac said.

“In terms of overseas, they know a lot more about their rugby culture. Their rugby is their hockey there. So there’s more fans, there’s more spectators, the league is more popular over there. We’re professional athletes,” Senft said about her time in Europe.

Senft has suited up and ‘worn the cap’ for Canada on 26 occasions.

“Since I was a kid, I always wanted to play for Canada and just putting on that jersey is just a bit of home. My team is my family since we all play overseas,” she shared.

Since Senft lives and trains overseas, she does not get the opportunity to come back to Regina often but when she does, it’s a full circle moment for her.

“I mean it’s where it all started. Right here is where I played my first few games. It was always just about having fun and playing the game you love. So it’s nice to be back,” she exclaimed. “I’m living out my dream every day and no matter how many championships I win, there’s always more to come.”

The Rugby World Cup will take Place in 2025 in England and Senft hopes to represent on Team Canada once again. Top Stories

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