The Government of Saskatchewan has proposed forming a committee to look into classroom size.
It's been one of the main sticking points in contract negotiations between teachers and the province. Earlier this year, Minister of Education Gordon Wyant said classroom size would not be up for negotiations during contract talks. He is now proposing a committee of teachers, local school boards and administrators look into it.
"Class size and particularly composition is an issue in Saskatchewan and it's a conversation that is really greater than the [Sask. Teachers Federation] so I think what we need to do is bring all our partners in education together, the STF, trustees, administrators and the Ministry of Education to have a conversation about what it looks like and what the possible solutions are," Wyant said.
The government’s financial offer to teachers stands at $1,500 for this year followed by two per cent salary increases in 2020 and 2021.
"Our members want to be successful, they want their students to be successful and the way to do that is to make sure that in the provincial agreement there is solutions that make sure that government is held accountable," Patrick Maze with STF said.