Less than a week after police and government officials ordered the removal of the Justice for Our Stolen Children camp, the tipi is being put back up.

Protesters camped in front of the legislature for 111 days. They were handed an eviction notice by the Provincial Capital Commission on June 2 — and were told to be packed up and off the site by June 5.

The campers stayed at the site until June 15 — when they were officially evicted from the site.

The tipi remained in place until Monday. Several protesters were arrested on Monday morning, and then released when the tipi was taken down on Monday night.

The poles for the tipi were put back into place after a KAIROS blanket exercise at the site on National Indigenous Peoples Day.



The government said the protestors did not have permission to stay on the site overnight. Justice Minister Don Morgan said the removal of the protesters came down to safety concerns in Wascana Park.

Central Services Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said there were concerns about upcoming events heading into the summer.