REGINA -- After being cancelled last year, a beloved event rose from the dead Sunday afternoon.

The Regina Zombie Walk is held to raise donations for the Regina and District Food Bank.

“It brings the exposure of what Regina has to offer and the kind of community we have living here, the kind of people,” said Rob Folk, an organizer.

“I really love dressing up for Halloween,” said Francine Tillman, a participant. “Halloween to me is my favourite holiday so I went to Value Village, found a dress, shredded it up. It’s fun.”

“I had a special effects makeup artist help me do my makeup,” said Derreck Wagner, another participant.

But all the fun didn’t distract participants from the real importance of the day.

“Not everyone in Regina is as fortunate as we are today standing here,” Tillman said. “It is a very worthwhile cause that we are doing this for, so the more people donate the better it is because it is a hard time this time of year.”

“Collecting food is everybody’s job so we should all donate.”

Organizers expect this year’s donations to fill around three to four food donation bins, along with monetary donations.