YORKTON, Sask. -- A decline of 50 per cent in the number of foster homes in the Yorkton area is prompting the Saskatchewan government to reach out to the community.

The Social Services Ministry and the Saskatchewan Foster Families Association are working together to encourage people interested in becoming foster parents to vulnerable infants and children in need.

The drive includes billboards, advertising, direct mail and outreach to churches and community organizations.

The government says it is also developing better supports for vulnerable families to return children to their homes safely, or to identify extended family members who can act as alternate care providers.

Social Services Minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor says Saskatchewan has seen a steady decrease in approved foster homes, just as in other areas across Canada and the United States.

She says the decline provincially over the last four years is just under 35 per cent, but it's worse in Yorkton.

"The situation in Yorkton is becoming acute," Tina Beaudry-Mellor said in a release Tuesday.

"That's why we are moving forward with this community outreach campaign over the next month to get the word out and ask that people step up and take on this wonderful, challenging, fulfilling and vital role. Many different types of individuals and families could potentially be a good fit."

The Saskatchewan Foster Families Association is a community- based organization that provides support for prospective and approved foster parents across the province.

It also delivers training along with the Social Services Ministry.

"I can't promise becoming a foster parent is easy, but I know from experience it's one of the most rewarding and meaningful things you can do," executive director Deb Davies said in the same release.