Premier Brad Wall has announced he has asked for the discontinuation of the Saskatchewan Party’s leader’s allowance.

The allowance has been in place since the inception of the party to assist with party-related expenses and supplement the leader’s salary. Currently it sits at $37,000.

Wall said he does not want any negative perceptions generated by the stipend to reflect on his party or the government.

He went on to say that the move is appropriate, given that the province has been asking public sector workers to consider a reduction in compensation.

“If we’re to ask any of those in the public sector, the valued public sector, to negotiate less than, in terms of overall compensation, then whatever we’re asking then we must lead by example,” Wall told the media on Monday afternoon. “You’ll see more on that in the days ahead.”

The NDP says the move is long overdue.

“Particularly this is offensive that you have a premier who has inappropriately taken close to half a million dollars, maybe more, for the last decade at a time when he’s attacking the pay and the jobs of Saskatchewan people,” NDP leader Trent Wotherspoon told the media.

The NDP also says they take issue with the source of the leadership allowance, which is funded via party donations.

“The questions of influence, and who he’s really served during that period of time,” Wotherspoon said. “We have an opportunity here to do the right thing, to get big money out of Saskatchewan politics.”

Wall will continue to receive his $166,137 salary as premier of the province.