The leader of the NDP opposition is raising concerns over the attack-style ads that the Saskatchewan Party is running.

Ryan Meili has been the target of the ads and he says he feels maligned and the ads are not true.

“Those are ugly American-style attack ads,” Meili said. “They are full of lies. There is not a single true statement in any of those ads.”

One of the ads says Meili does not care about equalization payments. Meili argued the NDP had fought for fair equalization payments for years.

Premier Scott Moe says there is nothing wrong with the ads.

“The ads are completely factual,” Moe said. “Where is the incorrectness? He in many cases uses his own words. He has supported a modest carbon tax on Saskatchewan families. When we proposed our 50/50 equalization plan, the leader of the opposition said nothing at all.”

The NDP have not indicated if its are going to engage in the attack ads and strike back or go down another road during its next ad campaign.