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Sask. MLA apologizes following accusations of 'lewd' gesture


Saskatchewan NDP MLA Jennifer Bowes was asked to apologize after Sask. Party members accused her of making a “lewd” gesture in the house.

The incident occurred during a heated exchange in question period on Tuesday.

“The deputy house leader rose on a point of order, alleging that the member for Saskatoon University made a lewd gesture during question period,” Speaker of the House Randy Weekes said, addressing the house.

“At 2:13:02 on the video, the member can be seen making such a gesture.”

Weekes asked Bowes to withdraw her actions and apologize – which she did.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday – Bowes clearly stated that there was nothing lewd about what she did.

“There was a point, sort of in the back and forth, the cut and thrust, where I sort of sarcastically 'cheered' on the government side,” Bowes told reporters on Wednesday.

“Is that maybe the best way of conducting myself? Perhaps not. But certainly the allegation being made is not something that there's any truth to.”

When asking Weekes to review Bowes conduct on Tuesday Saskatchewan Party MLA Lori Carr, who represents Estevan, refrained from describing what she believed Bowes had done.

"Mr. Speaker, the member from Saskatoon University made a very lewd gesture during question period. I will not describe this on the floor of the House but if you review the video, you will see it," Carr said.

Government House Leader Jeremy Harrison was also reprimanded after he accused members of the Sask. NDP of “orchestrating” the Gaza ceasefire demonstration that delayed legislative proceedings on Monday — a claim the NDP has repeatedly denied since the incident.

“What we saw here yesterday was an attack on democracy, orchestrated by that member and at least one more member on that side, Mr. Speaker, that organized, who colluded with, who participated and who high fived at the end of it,” Weekes said, as he recited Harrison’s accusation.

“Members know that is unparliamentarily to make inflammatory statements that impugn improper motives of another honourable member.”

Harrison was required to withdraw his comment and apologize.

A video of Bowes' and Harrison's apology, and Bowes' gesture in the house can be viewed using the player a the top of this story. Top Stories

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