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Sask. Premier announces cabinet shuffle, five MLAs receive new portfolios


Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced a cabinet shuffle on Tuesday at Government House in Regina, that saw five MLAs receive new portfolios.


  • Jim Reiter becomes Minister of Energy and Resources.
  • Bronwyn Eyre becomes Saskatchewan's first-ever female Minister of Justice and Attorney General.
  • Gordon Wyant becomes Minister of Advanced Education.
  • Gene Makowsky becomes Minister of Social Services.
  • Lori Carr becomes Minister of SaskBuilds and Procurement, Minister Responsible for the Public Service Commission, and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority.

Bronwyn Eyre, the new Minister of Justice, tackled her first issue within minutes of the announcement ending.

Today, Ottawa approved B.C’s request to decriminalize possession of small amounts of street drugs in that province. It recognizes addiction as a health issue.

When asked about the topic, Eyre said that she and the ministry will be watching B.C's progress and make a decision from there.

“Clearly this is something that is just developing," she said. "But I’ll certainly look at that with interest in terms of what led to it and what they feel it can achieve.”


Two MLAs will also be entering cabinet, according to a news release from the province:

  • Jeremy Cockrill becomes Minister of Highways, with responsibility for the Water Security Agency.
  • Dana Skoropad becomes Minister of Environment.

Cockrill is now the youngest member of the provincial cabinet. He said he was honored to have the opportunity to serve the province.

"When you get a call from the premier asking you to serve in this other capacity and serve all the people of the province, yeah humbling I think is maybe the best way to put it,” Cockrill explained.

As the new Minister of Environment, Dana Skoropad was sure to note that environmental issues were of top priority.

“The science is I would suggest irrefutable when it comes to climate change,” he said.

Both Cockrill and Skoropad are political newcomers, both being elected in the past year and half.

“So most certainly everyone that is here today, including the two new members, do deserve the opportunity to serve the people of the province,” said Premier Scott Moe.

Two senior MLAs, former Highways Minister Fred Bradshaw and former Environment Minister Warren Kaeding, stepped aside to make room for the new additions.


Ten other MLAs will stay with their current portfolios, the province said:

  • Donna Harpauer remains Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance.
  • Don Morgan remains Minister of Crown Investments Corporation and becomes Minister responsible for all major crown corporations, including SaskEnergy, SGI, SaskPower, SaskTel, SaskGaming and SaskWater. Morgan remains Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety and Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board.
  • Dustin Duncan remains Minister of Education.
  • Christine Tell remains Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety.
  • Jeremy Harrison remains Minister of Trade and Export Development and Minister of Immigration and Career Training, Minister Responsible for Innovation Saskatchewan and Minister Responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan.
  • David Marit remains Minister of Agriculture and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation.
  • Paul Merriman remains Minister of Health.
  • Don McMorris remains Minister of Government Relations, Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs, and Minister Responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission.
  • Laura Ross remains Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women.
  • Everett Hindley remains Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health.

Jeremy Harrison will remain Government House Leader, with Lori Carr serving as Deputy Government House Leader.

Tim McLeod has also been appointed Provincial Secretary.

Including Premier Scott Moe, the size of cabinet will remain unchanged at 18.

The new cabinet was sworn-in by Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Russ Mirasty Tuesday morning. Top Stories

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