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'Welcome Kabayan': Regina's Filipino community holds second annual event for newcomers


Newcomers of all backgrounds gathered in Regina for the second annual “Welcome Kabayan” event over the weekend.

“Kabayan,” is a Filipino term used to address other fellow Filipinos. It means "Welcome fellow members of our community."

This year’s event featured performances from musicians and dancers from the Philippine community, as well as others from Indian and Irish dancing groups.

“It’s a good way of welcoming different ethnic groups to our community and give them a chance to contribute,” painter Pepito Escanlar, who was involved with the event, told CTV News.

Glenda Obas Negula is from the Philippines and has been living in Canada for 16 years.

When she arrived, there were no events like this.

“The newcomers are so lucky to have this kind of event … to welcome them, to know there’s lots of Filipinos here,” she said.

Ritu Kalra from the Regina Immigration Women Centre says they are seeing an influx of newcomers needing assistance.

She says events like Welcome Kabayan need to happen more often.

“When you leave your country, you don’t know what you’re going to get when you come here,” she added.

“Having such events makes newcomers feel welcome.”

Welcome Kabayan is hosted by the Philippine Association of Saskatchewan.

This year’s event was held at the RCMP Heritage Centre. Top Stories

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