Saskatchewan has the second-shortest wait time for surgery in the country, according to an annual report by the Fraser Institute.

The study, called “Waiting Your Turn,” found the median wait time for medically necessary surgery in Saskatchewan was 14.2 weeks.

Among the provinces, Saskatchewan had the smallest increase in wait times since 1993 at 44.9 per cent, while New Brunswick saw the biggest jump at 203.3 per cent.

Patients in Saskatchewan waited 7.1 weeks to be referred to a specialist, down from 11.6 weeks in 2013. Meanwhile, the wait time from consultation with a specialist to treatment was cut in half to seven weeks.

Ontario had the shortest wait time for surgery, with a median wait time of 14.1 weeks, while New Brunswick reported the longest wait at 37.3 weeks. The national wait time was 18.2 weeks, up 95.7 per cent from 1993.