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Halloween safety tips from Regina police and CAA Sask.


With Halloween upon us for another year, Regina police are reminding trick-or-treaters to be safe and have a few tips to consider while going door-to-door Tuesday night.

Staying in familiar neighborhoods and sharing a pre planned route with a parent or guardian is something police said is a good idea to do before heading out.

Adding bright elements to costumes will also help drivers see children crossing streets, but sticking to sidewalks is the best course of action police said.

For homeowners around Regina, police are reminding you to lock up and turn on alarms and security lights if you will not be home throughout the evening.

“Halloween night has the potential to bring some individuals out who may be looking for mischief. We ask you take these few extra precautions to keep your home and your property safe,” Regina police said in a news release.

Some other tips for home and property owners include keeping vehicles and garages locked.

“Do not leave garage door openers in vehicles parked outside,” police said.

Regina police are asking people to call them if they see a crime in progress or a person in need of help.

More Halloween safety tips from Regina police can be read here. Top Stories

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