A Regina pharmacy is working to provide better mental health services, with a goal of ending the stigma around mental illness.

Melanie McLeod has been a practicing pharmacist for 20 years and is one of only two certified psychiatric pharmacists in Saskatchewan.

As the owner of Vital Care Pharmacy, she says she’s combining her career of medicinal treatment with mental health care.

“I’ve heard over the years from many, many patients that people just don’t feel comfortable talking to just anybody about their mental health concerns,” she told CTV News. “Sometimes even some conditions can be marginalizing.”

Her pharmacy has seen great success since it opened its doors a year ago, helping patients with all sorts of conditions.

The Canadian Mental Health Association supports the pharmacy’s plan to improve mental health care.

“It just makes good sense that maybe, with some extra training, they are sort of part of the primary care team,” said David Nelson, associate executive director of the CMHA.

McLeod currently has two pharmacists working with her who hope to practice as psychiatric pharmacists in the field.

Based on a report by CTV Regina's Gina Martin